Nothing Great Can be Accomplished Alone

Since 2015, as a leading software company in Bangladesh, we have successfully completed 100+ projects with government entities, corporates, academic institutes, startups, and nonprofits.

We are always looking for opportunities to work with nonprofits/ NGOs and help them create social impact through ICT4D. We believe in the power of togetherness.

Bangladesh Government

We have had the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of Bangladesh government ministries and divisions. Some examples include the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Directorate General of Nursing and Midwifery, the Department of Livestock Services, the Division of Information and Communication Technology, and a few others.

Nonprofits/ NGOs

Circle-Technology aims to provide innovative software solutions for social impact as the leading changemaker in ICT 4 Development. Circle Technology strives for global development through technology partnerships with nonprofits/NGOs. Save the Children, Care Bangladesh, Ipas, Concern Worldwide, CBM, PHD, KMSS, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (DRRA), Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB), Health21, and a few others are nonprofit organizations who trust us.

Corporate And Others

We have experience working with corporate clients for their automation needs. Some corporates are Globe Group of Companies, Al-Madina Group of Companies, Astra Pharmaceuticals Ltd, MST Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Classic Group, HelloDoctor.Asia,, Research and Management Consultants, Ltd, PRANTIK General Hospital, and a few more.


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+880 1740 190 053

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